West Chester Lacrosse Association
West Chester, Pennsylvania
West Chester Lacrosse Association COVID-19 Health & Safety Policies/Plan
Updated 1/3/2022
WCLA bases its COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan and policies on recommendations from the Chester County Health Department (CCHD) and West Chester Area School District (WCASD) policies. On December 27, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its quarantine and isolation guidance. These changes are currently in effect. The CCHD is working to update its resources accordingly. For more information, please read the CDC press release.
June 2021 Policies
Please click on this COVID-19 QUARANTINE FORM if your player has been exposed/quarantined/tested positive for COVID-19.
The WCLA COVID-19 Health and Safety Policies are based on recommendations from the Chester County Health Department, the Center for Disease Control, and PA State Government Guidance.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to screen and monitor their participant for COVID-19 symptoms. Please screen your child before leaving for any WCLA/WCFH event. If they have symptoms please do not send your child and consult with your healthcare provider.
Prior to attending clinic/practice, staff and participants are required to fill out the TeamSnap Health Check. Please do not come to practice/camp/clinic if any of the following are true:
Section 1A: Symptoms (considered symptomatic if your child has at least one (1) symptom.)
Lack of smell or taste without congestion
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Section 1B: Symptoms (considered symptomatic if your child has at least two (2) symptoms. *If more than one applies, count as multiple symptoms.
Elevated Temperature/Fever (Oral >100.4℉, Axillary/Temporal>99.5℉)
Sore throat
*Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain
*Chills, muscle pain, and/or fatigue
Congestion or runny nose
Close Contact/Potential Exposure (Your player should stay home if at least one of the following is true
Had close contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes) with a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19 (If fully vaccinated and asymptomatic, this does not apply.
Traveled to or lived in an area identified by the Pennsylvania Department of Health as recommended quarantine upon return to Pennsylvania
Had a recent COVID-19 test and are awaiting results
Please note, for our in-house programs, WCLA follows the most current, up-to-date Pennsylvania Governor, Pennsylvania Health Department and Chester County Health Department's (CCHD) out-of-state travel recommendations/orders and mask mandates.
Face covernings outdoors for participants, staff, and spectators are optional. As per Order of the Acting Secretary from the Pennsylvania Department of Health Directing Face Covering in School Entities, face coverings are not required when a child is participating in a sports activity or event, indoors or outdoors.
Face Coverings, Sports Complex Conduct
Staff, and Parents/Spectators at the Sports Complex must adhere to the Pennsylvania Governor/PA Health Department/CCHD most current up-to-date mask guidelines and/or recommendations
Players will enter and exit the facility as instructed by staff members.
Staff will direct the players when they arrive to facilitate social distancing.
Parents/Spectators should not enter any field of play, bench areas, or activity areas.
Players and staff are encouraged to use hand sanitizer upon entering the field before and after eating if applicable, before and after bathroom use, before and after touching shared equipment, throughout the session/clinic.
There will be no access to water fountains, no sharing of water.
Players must bring their own equipment and water bottle.
Staff will help direct the players safely back to the front entrance for pick up.
There will be designated areas for players to take water breaks.
Players and coaches will maintain social distancing and will not congregate on sidelines or on benches.
Hand sanitizer (greater than 60 percent alcohol) is available; and players are encouraged to carry their own.
Cover coughs or sneezes with a sleeve or elbow, not hands.
Do not shake hands, fist bump, high five, or engage in other unnecessary contacts.
Activities that increase exposure to saliva such as spitting, licking fingers, chewing gum and eating sunflower seeds are prohibited.
COVID-19 Point of Contact
A designated WCLA staff person is responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns. All staff and families should know who this person is and how to contact them.
Gina Colley-Holgate (admin@wclax.net) serves as the WCLA COVID-19 Coordinator
In the event that a player or staff member develops COVID-19 symptoms during games/practice, protocols have been developed in accordance with PA Department of Health and Chester County Health Department guidance to isolate the affected individual.
Upon learning that a person with a confirmed or probable case of COVID19 was present at the field while infectious, the WCLA COVID-19 Coordinator will immediately contact the CCHD for guidance
CCHD staff will assist the WCLA COVID-19 Point of Contact with risk assessment, isolation and quarantine recommendations, and other recommendations.
The WCLA COVID-19 Coordinator with confer wth the CCHD to inform close contacts of their possible exposure and give instructions to those involved.
Sanitizing (As per the CDC -https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/cleaning-disinfecting-decision-tool.html)
No equipment should be shared among players and/or coaches; if sharing equipment cannot be avoided, sanitation will be done between uses.
Use gloves when removing garbage bags or handling and disposing of trash. Wash hands/sanitize hands after removing gloves.
Gate locks, shed locks, and frequently touched equipment will be sanitized with cleaners that are EPA SARS-CoV-2 approved.